An article published on October 23rd, 2024, on Philly Mag titled The Most Influential People in Philly highlighted the work Kadida Kenner, does. In its introductory paragraph it said:
“We’re going out on a limb and calling 2024 the Year of the Shift. There’s a sense that big things are happening. An arena project that seemed dead in the water at the beginning of the year now looks all but certain. Center City, written off just a few years ago, is swelling with new residents and activity. Gun violence is plummeting to levels we haven’t seen in more than a decade. Plans are finally being sketched for the nation’s 250th birthday party. A new mayor has put her thumbprint on everything. When we assemble this list every year, we look for the people who are responsible for these big shifts, these moves that make other Philadelphians sit up and take notice. And yes, a lot of those folks are big names: the politicians and businesspeople and sports stars who grab headlines every day. But it’s also lesser-known names — the guy who’s making the streets safer for pedestrians, the person who’s registering folks to vote in North Philly, the musician who’s encouraging kids to live their wackiest dreams — who help make this city thrum. You may not know (all) their names yet — but their influence? It’s all around you.”